Lots of questions about Teeth Whitening Tips. I feel like people don’t really talk about teeth. Everyone knows about teeth. But then at the same time, no one really talks about teeth. And it’s like there are some people that need to see this post about Teeth Whitening Tips. Some of this information.
You may know all of the tips. You may not know any of the tips. I just feel like there are people out there that don’t know this information. Maybe it’ll help you.
So if you have any tips that I may have not mentioned, then make sure to mention them down below. So starting off this is something that I actually learned in 2017. That’s me being 21 years old and just finding out this information.
- 1 Teeth Whitening Tips #1 Is To Replace Your Tooth Brush Every Three Months
- 2 Clean Your Tongue Everyday
- 3 Use Straw While Drinking Tea Coffee Or Soda
- 4 Lip Tip
- 5 Use Good Quality Toothbrush
- 6 Use Of Bleaching Or Whitening Trays
- 7 Chew Gum Or Pop Mint Can Help Reducing Bad Breathe
- 8 Mouthwash And Brush Your Teeth Twice A Day
- 9 So What Toothpaste Is The Best Toothpaste For You?
- 10 Brush Your Teeth After Having Acidic Food
Teeth Whitening Tips #1 Is To Replace Your Tooth Brush Every Three Months
So I don’t know if that’s sad or if everyone knows this, but apparently, you should be throwing away your toothbrush every three months or replacing your brush heads every three months is the important Teeth Whitening Tips. I did not know that. I actually didn’t really know when you were supposed to replace a toothbrush.
It’s just something that never really crossed my mind. It’s not like I would keep the same toothbrush for years and years, but I would probably only replace my toothbrush like twice a year and I never really knew that. It’s something that you should be doing more frequently when you’re sick. If you have a toothbrush and it’s like a regular toothbrush and you’re brushing your teeth right, and you’re sick, you don’t want to keep using that same toothbrush when you’re not sick anymore. You should throw your toothbrush away and get a new one.
Clean Your Tongue Everyday
Teeth Whitening Tips #2 have you ever wanted to know what your breath smells like but you’re too scared or you’re embarrassed at someone? Like, hey, can you smell my breath? And like breathing on someone? You can take a spoon or a QTIP. And what you want to do is start from the back of your tongue, drag it all the way down, and let it dry. And once it’s dry, you can literally just go and sniff it and see what your breath smells like. And if this smells bad, then you know that your breast bank.
Use Straw While Drinking Tea Coffee Or Soda
So Teeth Whitening Tips number three is when you’re drinking soda, coffee, and tea. If you can use a straw. When you use a straw, you are passing your teeth so you’re like sucking on the straw. So the soda is just going down. And it’s not like swishing around your teeth in the front. It’s helping to avoid staining your teeth because it’s surpassing the teeth.
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So it’s better to use a straw every time I drink a soda, even though soda is not the best for you. But I love soda. It’s my favorite. Every time I drink soda or like a Coke or something, I try to always drink it with a straw.
Lip Tip
This is not really a Teeth Whitening Tips, but more so a lip tip, which I think teeth and lips kind of go hand in hand because you could have the whitest teeth. But if your lips just look crusty and dry and just nasty, then it doesn’t matter how nice your teeth look. You can use a toothbrush and you can literally just brush your lips to help exfoliate brush them in circular motions. Or you can use a lip scrub.
This one is from NUG, and this one is my favorite lip scrub right now. It’s really, really creamy and it has these little Greens in it, so it helps to exfoliate your lips. After you use this, you want to apply a generous amount of chapstick just so that you can keep everything moisturized. I exfoliate my lips probably every night. Every time I brush my teeth, I automatically take my toothbrush and brush it over my lips. Without toothpaste, you don’t want to have toothpaste on it because then your lips.
Are going to be really dry. So you rinse off your toothbrush and then you just want to brush over your lips really quick. I probably do it every night and then I’ll just apply chapstick and I’ll go to sleep. You don’t want to do too much though. I do it every night because I feel like my lips can handle it and they can handle it and everything’s fine. But if you try to do it every night and you don’t think that it’s working out for you, then maybe you should just do it like three times a week.
Use Good Quality Toothbrush
Teeth Whitening Tips #5 this is the toothbrush that I personally use, and this is the Sonic hair. This is the diamond clean one, I think. But basically, this is a vibrating toothbrush. It has different things at the bottom. It says Clean White Polish Gum Care insensitive. So I usually have it on gum care because it stays on the longest. What I love about vibrating toothbrushes is that they just clean your mouth so much easier. It’s just so much easier. It’s kind of like the Clarisonic for your face. It’s like since you already have the vibration on your face, you don’t really need to do a bunch of scrubbing.
You just gently apply it in circular motions. So it’s the same thing with your toothbrush. You just gently go in circular motions. And since it’s vibrating, it’s doing that extra work for you. Already.
The first time that I use a toothbrush, I could see the difference in my teeth. Like, I could see that they looked brighter, they looked wider, and they looked much cleaner. Ever since I’ve used this, I don’t even want to use a regular toothbrush because this works really well.
It doesn’t have to be Sonic hair. But any brand, any sort of vibrating toothbrush, just helps to clean your mouth faster and easier. When I was little, when I was brushing my teeth, I used to only think that brushing my teeth meant brushing my teeth, like literally only brushing the teeth. Bad breath can come from different places, like your teeth you should also consider Teeth Whitening Tips for it.
But, there are other things you can do to fix it and apply Teeth Whitening Tips. It comes from your whole entire mouth. It comes from the tongue. It comes from the inside of your cheeks. It comes from the roof of your mouth. So you want to literally brush your whole entire mouth. You want to brush your tongue. You want to brush the roof of your mouth. You want to brush your cheeks. You want to brush everything gums, everything included. Brush all of it with toothpaste. And when you’re doing your tongue, you literally want to brush down. So you want to brush down on your tongue so that you’re able to bring everything forward.
Use Of Bleaching Or Whitening Trays
Teeth Whitening Tips #6 a question that I also get really frequently is how I whiten my teeth. So I just want to say that when it comes to whitening teeth, it’s kind of tricky just because everyone has a natural color to their teeth. So some people their teeth are a little bit naturally more yellow, and some people have their teeth a little bit naturally more white. I personally have my teeth a little bit more natural white. And I also am just really persistent with keeping my teeth white and there helps these Teeth Whitening Tips.
I like to use the at-home trays, and I like to do this every six months. I personally think that bleaching or whitening trays work probably a little bit better than whitening strips, just because you can cover more of your mouth and it literally stays on the whitening strips. I feel like now they’re really secure, but the trays just literally pop into your mouth and you can make most of it by following these Teeth Whitening Tips.
They form and they fit and they mold to your teeth because it’s made for your specific teeth and they stay on for as long as you want to put them on. They’re not going to start coming off at all.
You don’t want to over whiten your teeth because that’s when you start getting those weird splotchy spots on your teeth so follow Teeth Whitening Tips though only. You want to do this about two to three times a year just to keep it on the safe side because using these products on your teeth, it’s not good for your enamel, it’s not good for your teeth. It makes them more sensitive, just like how you wouldn’t want to over-bleach your hair. You don’t want to over-bleach your teeth if you want to.
Chew Gum Or Pop Mint Can Help Reducing Bad Breathe
Teeth Whitening Tips #7 just make sure that your breath is smelling fresh all day. This one is kind of self-explanatory, but you can just chew gum or pop mint. But the thing is you want to make sure that they’re sugar-free because if you’re chewing gum and it has sugar in it, that’s going to give you cavities. I’ve had a few cavities, and cavities are not fun. Teeth Whitening Tips can help you fight cavities too.
Mouthwash And Brush Your Teeth Twice A Day
Teeth Whitening Tips #8 so take it from me, there are some people that are like, oh, I’m going to floss every night.
I’m going to mouthwash and brush my teeth. But it’s like a lot of people I feel like, don’t make that a priority just because it’s like an extra step that no one really wants to do. Basically, when you eat and when you brush your teeth, you can push bacteria and food in between your teeth, like literally in between each tooth. And so I used to have I still do have really, really good oral hygiene and follow Teeth Whitening Tips. Brush my teeth twice a day, sometimes even three times a day, because I had brain braces and everything was great.
But since I had braces, it was really hard for me to floss my teeth. I went to the dentist after getting my braces off and had them look at my teeth and they’re like, look, your teeth look great, but you have two cavities in between your teeth. So I was like, what do you mean in between? I didn’t know that you could literally get cavities in between teeth.
So I was brushing my teeth and doing everything that I needed to do except flossing. And since I didn’t floss, bacteria was in between the teeth. And so even though my teeth are white, looked just like this look fine, I still got cavities. So, flossing the also an important Teeth Whitening Tips.
So that’s the importance of flossing. They also make this really cool floss water flosser. I believe that’s what it’s called and it’s something that I want to try because that is so cool to me. And it literally shoots out water and it makes flossing super quick and easy. So you literally just shoot water in between your teeth and you don’t have to get any strain and get weird with it. If you haven’t heard about that, that may be something that you want to check out.
And mouthwash is good because it helps to bring some fluoride into your teeth if you have a fluoride mouthwash, and it also helps with bad breath, So consider using a fluoride mouthwash in Teeth Whitening Tips.
So What Toothpaste Is The Best Toothpaste For You?
Teeth Whitening Tips #9 what toothpaste should be used? You just want to make sure that your toothpaste whatever brand, whatever that you’re using has fluoride in it because that is going to help keep your teeth strong and it’s going to help prevent cavities. I also read in this one article that you can actually at night time put a thin layer of fluoride toothpaste and then go to sleep and just have it kind of sit on your teeth overnight just so that the fluoride effects can really help with your enamel and keep things strong.
But you don’t want to swallow the toothpaste or anything like that. That’s why they say to do it at night. So you’re not like out throughout the day and have toothpaste on your teeth.
Brush Your Teeth After Having Acidic Food
Teeth Whitening Tips #10 my last tip for you guys is whenever you eat acidic food, let’s say you drink lemonade from Chickfila, right? And you know how it’s really sweet.
Basically, you don’t want to brush your teeth right after drinking that. I used to think that if I’m eating something that is like sugary or acidic, I should brush my teeth immediately. But apparently whenever you are eating that and you’re drinking that, it makes your teeth weaker. So whenever you’re brushing your teeth, you’re furtherly making your enamel weaker and you’re actually just drawing your enamel. So you want to wait at least 30 minutes to an hour after eating or drinking things like that in order for you to brush your teeth.
So those are my ten Teeth Whitening Tips for your teeth.