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Nomadic lifestyle how to get started with 3 Easy Steps to a Nomadic Lifestyle

So guys, here we are going to discuss getting started with a nomadic lifestyle, A solo traveler shares his experience with his Nomadic lifestyle and how to get started with 3 Easy Steps to a Nomadic Lifestyle.
If that’s something you’re thinking about being a Nomad, it can be a big undertaking. You just kind of wonder, how do I get started? Where do I begin? And it’s interesting.
You just need to kind of make your life simpler, whether that be well, definitely you’re going to have to get your possessions down. So the simple life was kind of a minimalism theme. Winds blowing can’t hear me some nice scenery back there.

Yeah, definitely. You’re going to have to simplify your life in terms of possessions, because as a Nomad unless you’re just going to buy like $300,000 RV and put all your stuff in that, you’re just not going to have the room as you’re traveling in your van or even a smaller RV in your car or just out of a couple of suitcases, you’re not going to have the room to take all your stuff you might have had when you weren’t being a Nomad.

Nomadic lifestyle first thing is to simplify your life possessions wise

So you’re going to have to first and foremost tip to a Nomadic lifestyle is simplify your life possessions wise. And this is one of the things that I find when people are first preparing to be a Nomad and they might not be ready to take that step. This is one of the things they can do to keep the process going while they might still be saving up some money. Or they might be finishing out a lease on their apartment. Or they might be paying off some bills or paying off the car.

Nomadic lifestyle

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Whatever it is, this is one of the steps you can do so that you can feel like you’re making progress toward a Nomadic lifestyle, even if you still aren’t ready to hop on the road. So you definitely have to par your possessions down and just kind of think about what will I need on the road? What don’t I need anything you don’t need?

The idea of minimalism for a Nomadic lifestyle works better as well. You can check them out. Basically anything you don’t need in your life and definitely anything you don’t need for the road, just go ahead and get rid of it. You can always buy it back. A lot of times you probably won’t buy it back, but definitely get rid of anything you don’t think you’re going to need for your Nomadic lifestyle.

Nomadic lifestyle second thing to consider is clearing your debts

That was your old life. You don’t need that stuff anymore. Another thing I recommend, I kind of touched on it before is paying off debt. You don’t have a lot of debt hanging around your neck while you’re on the road because you want to use all your money to finance your traveling. So try to pay off as much debt as you can either.

Nomadic lifestyle

That means you have to wait six months, a year, or whatever before you get on the road. We’ve all had to do it. We all have to wait. But the time flies pretty quickly as you’re getting everything in order to pay down debt and Get rid of debt as much as possible.

Hopefully, you can hit the road with very few bills because a lot of the things that a lot of people have bills over are things that are kind of not involved in the nomadic lifestyle. So getting down the bills, that’s a big one. But definitely paying down the debt because you want to hit the road and any money you make, be it on the internet, be it doing day labor, whatever it is, however you’re going to make money on the road, you want to be able to keep all that money to keep the travels going.

It’s weird. Once you start living a Nomadic lifestyle, your outlook on money kind of changes because before when you’re staying in one place, sticks and bricks, things like that, the money you think about as a way to buy new stuff for where you’re at.

Nomadic lifestyle third thing to check out is to minimalize your needs

Oh man, I got a $1,000 bonus. I can get that Power elliptical Elliptical for $8,000 I wanted so I can get Chick. The Power Elliptical 8000 that you never use just sits in the garage stuff like that. Just because you stay in one place, you buy the stuff you don’t need. But I just know for me, when I stayed in one place, one of my thoughts to money was, I mean, I paid my bills, put some money in savings, but it was always like, oh, I can add more stuff to my living space or I can get something bigger or better in my living space.

Once I start living a Nomadic lifestyle, money became more about furthering the journey and keeping the traveling going. And so for one thing, money seems to last longer because I have goals for it that I can’t just go out and do immediately. If I want to go to the Philippines and I’m saving up for the plane ticket, I can’t blow that money immediately. I got to put money on top of that. I got to save that money till the time comes to buy the plane ticket.

Then the next morning I get after that, well, that has to go to the hotel or the hostel or whatever when I’m there. So it seems to have money longer. And if something comes up while I’m saving that money, I have that money there to use anyway. So you want to make sure all your money you can keep and save, keep the travel going. While we’re on the topic, one of the things getting started in my life, one of the biggest things, all the videos where people talk about how I make money on the road get massive amounts of views because that’s what everybody wants to know.

Like, how do you sustain a Nomadic lifestyle? How do you make money? So what you’re definitely going to want to do, unless you’re just like independently wealthy or have a trust fund or just really good with the lottery, is to find out a way to finance your travels. There are so many different ways. This is one of those things that I feel like people feel like there are one or two ways to do it and you have to do it a certain way and be a webmaster or be a photographer or make YouTube videos and people feel like there’s just only a couple of ways to do it.

No, there are literally thousands, probably hundreds of thousands of ways to make money when you’re on the road. There are ways out there that people probably haven’t thought of that you can think of. So just do your research. This is something else you can do while you’re waiting for whatever your deadline is to get on the road. Figure out how you’re going to make money, and how you’re going to support yourself for your Nomadic lifestyle.

Maybe try to figure out how much money you’re going to need per month. Save up as much money as you can, obviously, but then try to figure out some form of side hustle or job that you can do on the road that can keep you traveling. I’ve been doing seasonal work there are so many other ones. I’m sure all of you know Bob Wells’s cheap RV living. He has a whole segment on making money on the road and he’s always interviewing people and they do stuff I would have never thought of.

I’m just like, Are you kidding me? So do your research on Google. Just type in how to make money on the road. Skip past the first ten pages, and go to like page 1213. Go to read the blogs and stuff that not everybody else is reading, and you can find out a way to use your unique skill set and the things you know to make money on the road.

But I do want to say here, don’t let not having a definite plan for making money stop you. Worst case scenario, you can pull into major cities and workday labor for a couple of days just to get some money up to keep traveling and enjoy your Nomadic lifestyle. Worst case scenario, you just go to a city somewhere and pick up a job flipping burgers or something for a month and just sleeping in your car. However, you’re traveling and just work the Mickey D for a month to stack up some money. You can do the old conventional methods, but just why you’re in a different area.

You can even do what you’re doing now. Maybe do it to see if your job will let you do it. Traveling, let you do it over the Internet. Let’s do it over the phone. So many different ways, but you do want to try to think about a way to make money while you are on the road.



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