HomeLifestyle7 "NICE GIRL" Habits ALL WOMEN Must Break! | Relationship Advice for...

7 “NICE GIRL” Habits ALL WOMEN Must Break! | Relationship Advice for Women

Relationship advice there is a belief that men are usually given more opportunities than women and that this can lead to men being more aggressive or risk-taking. However, this isn’t always the case. See if you can finish this sentence. Nice guys finish what last, right? Or that all girls, all women want a bad boy. Well, you and I know that’s not true because chances are the man that you’re going to be with or the man that you are with, you want him to be nice, right?

You don’t want just the bad boy. But there’s something about that idea that resonates with truth for Relationship advice. There’s a little bit of you want them to be nice, but you want them to have this other quality that becomes sexy to you, right? Well, the same thing goes for men. You see, there are nice girl qualities that actually diminish the attraction that men have for women.

When women are too nice, it shows that they don’t respect themselves. This is because they think that they don’t need to put in as much effort as men because they know that men won’t disrespect them for Relationship advice.

When you eliminate the habits that are not respectful of yourself, it shows that you respect yourself and demand his respect for Relationship advice. This can often lead to attraction. So today I’m going to share with you seven nice girl Relationship advice that all women must break. Check it out.

Now, when you hear nice girl habits for Relationship advice that we’re going to break, some people have mixed emotions around the word nice.

And we’re going to break you being nice. And know this, there are different qualities of being nice. There’s nice for the right reasons that are rooted in your authentic self. And then there are nice people being nice for the wrong reasons. It’s like they’re people pleasers. And it’s rooted in a lack of confidence. So that is what we’re going to break today for Relationship advice.

Relationship Advice Saying Yes To The Instant Relationship

And the first quality or habit that nice girls can break for Relationship advice is saying yes to an instant relationship. And here’s what I’m talking about. You finally go on this date with this guy and he’s handsome, he’s sexy, he’s attractive, he’s smart, he’s funny.

You’re thinking that the man you have been talking to is a nice guy. He’s not weird, he’s not crazy. Like yes. And you start to get all excited on this day. You know what I’m talking about.

You start thinking about the future, your mind races into the future and starts thinking about living together. You start thinking about getting married one day. You start thinking about having kids and what your life is going to be like. And you’re still on Appetizers. There that dinner.

And so when your energy moves into I want an instant relationship with you. I don’t even really know you yet, but I know that we could be together. It’s a complete turn-off to the man because guess what? He knows he hasn’t made deposits into your life. He knows he hasn’t earned the right to be your man, and he knows that he’s got all kinds of flaws going on in him for Relationship advice.

One of my friends was giving me an example about this. He was dating a woman. After spending some time dating them, he found her to be beautiful and amazing. So, he went over to her house to hang out. They were going to spend the night together. And so they’re getting ready for bed, and they’re both brushing their teeth, and she looks over at him and says, you are perfect.

And he said he felt his heart drop at that moment. What a weird reaction to a compliment. Like, you are perfect. He felt his stomach going into knots. But here was what was going on for Relationship advice.

He knew they spent really only four nights together, four dates together, and here she is proclaiming him perfect. He knows he’s not perfect. He knows he’s got all kinds of flaws going on, and yet through her lens, you’re perfect. And he’s like, I haven’t invested enough in her. So what that shows is that her self-esteem was like, I’m willing to say yes to this guy before he’s actually earned the right to be my man.

So resist the urge to let your mind mutualize to such a degree that you’re like, I’m ready now, and I don’t even know you. And instead, let your man earn the right to be with you because when he finally does win your heart, it will be that much more special for Relationship advice.

Canceling Your Plans To Accommodate His Schedule

And number two is canceling your plans to accommodate his schedule. That is a nice girl habit for Relationship advice that you want to break. Because here’s the deal.

Let’s say a man calls you up last minute, and says, hey, let’s go hang out. We’ve got this cool thing. My schedule just opened up. Let’s go on this hike together. Let’s see this new thing together.

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Relationship Advice

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And you’ve got plans with your friends. If you cancel those plans because you’re like, he’s available. Let me hang out with him, and you jump to make yourself available to his schedule, and you cancel on people that are your friends, the priorities in your life are going to send the wrong message to him, because men, we value friendships, we value integrity, and we value doing what we say we’re going to do for Relationship advice.

So while in the Immediacy, he might like the fact that there’s the convenience of getting to hang out with you when he’s available, it also sends a subtle signal to him that you didn’t respect your own priorities and their own relationships in your life. Instead, let him know, that I would love to hang out with you.

That sounds like a wonderful day, and unfortunately, I’ve got plans with my friends and I’m already committed, but when’s the next time we can hang out? Well, he might be disappointed he doesn’t get to see you. At that moment, two very powerful things happen for Relationship advice. Number one, you demonstrate that you’re a woman of integrity and that you keep your commitments. And number two, you make yourself scarce because you’re living your wonderful life.

And guess what? When he finally does get to spend time with you, he’s going to value that time even more for Relationship advice.

Trying To Get Him To Like You

The third thing to do for Relationship advice is to get to know the person you are trying to get to like you. This way, you can figure out if you like them too. This is one of the most profound lessons over the last couple of years. One of my clients was sharing with me that she had this awakening, this epiphany, this AHA moment where she said, oh my gosh.

While she was dating, her self-esteem was at a level where she just wanted his approval, just wanted to please him. When a girl is on a first date, she will try to get the guy to like her. She may do things like make him laugh, be charming, or show interest in him.

So she would only bring up topics that she thought he would be interested in, and she would only share ideas that she thought he would resonate with for Relationship advice. And she would try to bring out aspects of her personality that she thought he would really like instead of just being herself and bringing her whole self forth. When she would realize that she did not like the guy, she would feel upset about Relationship advice.

And she’s gone through this whole song and dance to try to get him to like her before she even realized if she liked him instead. That’s what a nice girl does for Relationship advice. Why? Because the nice girl is focused on pleasing the nice girl that isn’t rooted in deep self-confidence. Instead, when you own your worth, you flip the script for Relationship advice.

And instead of you just trying to be a certain way or show a certain part of yourself to win their approval, no, anchor yourself and your true authentic self. And if they like you, great. If they don’t like you, guess what? They’re not the right fit for you. And here’s what’s great from that standpoint for Relationship advice.

Because when you come from that place and you decide, do I like this guy? Is he the right fit for me? First, if he’s not the right fit, then great. Next, if he is the right fit, then you’ve set up a dynamic that actually creates attraction for masculine energy because the masculine loves to pursue the masculine loves to try to win your favor. And you’ve already set up that dynamic from the get-go for Relationship advice.

Saying Yes To S*x Before You Are Ready

And number four, and this is a big one for Relationship advice, It’s important to wait until you’re ready for sex. This way, you will be able to have a good experience and not get sick. This nice girl habit is the woman. Remember, she’s not rooted in a deep sense of self-esteem and so she’s in pleasing mode. She’s trying to get in his favor by doing what he wants to do. And so this could be sex.

Or this could just be fooling around with him physically before you’re ready. But if you notice you’re saying yes to fooling around, why are you saying yes to it? Do a little self-check-in for Relationship advice. Are you saying yes to this moment because you want to engage at this moment? Or are you saying yes because you’re worried if you say no, he’s going to split, he’s going to leave?

Relationship advice
Relationship advice

He will, actually. You think he’ll like you more if you have sex with him at this moment. Well, let me explain something about Relationship advice. Men never like you more because you fool around. I repeat, men never like you more because you fool around.

Fooling around. Having sex without a deep connection is like candy. Yeah, it’s going to feel good at the moment. He’s going to like it at the moment. But it doesn’t have staying power.

It doesn’t have any lasting powers for Relationship advice. If you eat candy, it’s nice at that moment, but, like, ten minutes later, you’re like, I need some more candy. I need something else, right? What creates that deep connection is having a spiritual connection, a mental connection, and an emotional connection that creates depth. So never feel pressured to do anything physical before you’re ready.

Break that nice girl habit is Relationship advice. Maintain your standard and boundary. And let him earn whatever is required as far as the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual requirements that you have before you’re willing to have sex with him or even just mess around with him.

It will earn his respect and he will feel that connection deeper. And that creates the staying power that you want in the first place for Relationship advice.

Investing More In The Relationship

And number five, investing more in the relationship than he does. It’s really easy to think that you’re being kind, real easy to think that you’re being generous by saying, you know what, he’s busy. He probably just didn’t have time to text me back.

I’m going to text him and we’ll set up plans. I’ll make plans for this weekend. I’m going to find the restaurant. I’ll do that. It’ll just be easy on him. No, that is a nice girl behavior that when you look at the root of that, it’s coming from a place of insecurity. Why are you leaning in and bridging the gap?

There’s often a subtle fear that if you don’t bridge the gap, the relationship will die. He’s not going to text you back. And that possible connection that you have with him is going to wither away. So if you notice your impetus to bridge the gap and make those plans is rooted in a fear that if you don’t, the relationship might not work out, That’s a good sign for you to let him invest, let him pursue, and let him show you his level of interest in you.

And two things that are great that happened with that, number one, you get to receive. And number two, he’s going to value the relationship even more.

Giving Undeserved Second Chances

And number six, and this is a big one, is giving undeserved second chances. Now, it’s okay to be a person who offers forgiveness. It’s okay to give someone second chances as long as they’ve earned it, as long as they deserve it. You’re not alone. Many women feel like they need to be gentle, forgiving, and nice all the time. But, this isn’t always the case. In fact, sometimes women need to be firm, honest, and tough when it comes to dealing with problems.

Relationship Advice
Relationship Advice

And that is causing you to feel obligated to give it a second chance. Because if you don’t give yourself a second chance, then you lose that identity in yourself. Know this. He has got to earn the right to have a second chance with you. And there’s a big difference between forgiveness and giving someone a second chance.

You can forgive him for something that he’s done, and that means you’re releasing the resentment and releasing the negativity and no longer carrying it with you. But that doesn’t mean that he’s earned the right to get a second chance. So how has he behaved? What has he said? How is he trying to reconcile the situation that would earn a second chance and only when he meets your standard at that time, give him the second chance that he has earned?

Self Diminishing Behavior

And number seven is self-diminishing behavior. I’m going to share with you two items here. One is a bit more obvious. The other one is a bit more subtle. That’s not as obviously you want to pay attention to.

So self-diminishing behavior is fun. When someone’s self-deprecating, they’re not taking themselves so seriously, and you can both laugh at each other. But there’s a difference between self-deprecation that comes from a place that’s rooted in self-esteem and worthiness and self-diminishing behavior, where you say things like.

I’m just not that sexy for a person, or oh, I’m not beautiful, or this and that. When it’s like you’re fishing for compliments. That self-diminishing behavior, and actually reduces the attraction and connection with him.

So break any habits where you diminish yourself. Make it okay to shine your light. Remember to feel good about yourself no matter what happens! You are doing great and you should be proud of yourself. He wants you to feel sexy. He wants you to feel beautiful on that because guess what?

He thinks you are sexy. He sees you as beautiful. And so when you own it and can have fun with yourself and not take yourself so seriously, that’s the magic sweet spot. That’s highly attractive. The not-so-obvious place that people self-diminish is with their time.

There was a client of mine who was talking to a guy that she was interested in, and they were connecting and talking, and she was asking him about some information about rock climbing that she wanted to do. I’ll get you this whole report. I’ve got this whole report, and I can send it over to you. And you know what?

I’ll do that tonight when I get home. That’s okay. Whenever you can do it, don’t put yourself out. Whenever you can do it, it’s fine.

And that’s a subtle moment. But at that moment, what is she communicating? She’s communicating that his time is more important than her time. And a lot of it was in the tone and how she said, it’s okay to be polite and make things convenient for people.

But notice if you put him in his time on a pedestal over you and your time, and you diminish yourself, that reduces your worth, your self-esteem, and really the attraction and connection that can be possible in that connection.

So instead, hold yourself up. Prop yourself up. See yourself as worthy, and beautiful, and value your time, and that increases how he respects you, how he treats you, and how much attraction there is between the two of you. So my question for you is, what habits have you cultivated in yourself that have actually led to a great connection with Matt?

Go ahead and share those thoughts in the comment section below. I appreciate you.



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